
This was written in relation to a prompt that required imagery.  I forgot what kind, but maybe similes, or sensory imagery.  No, wait!  It is from the prompt that told us to take one word and use it as another part of speech, such as a noun for a verb, or an adjective for a noun.  (This is known in scholarly circles as “anthimeria.”)  This entry is based on one of the times I went on the “canopy swing” in Costa Rica.  It’s a bit like a zip line, and it goes through the rain forest. 


           Dangling over the juicy green rainforest, I think I see what “happy” looks like.  If the earth, one day, started singing, with a universal symphonic orchestra behind, the rhythms would be the trees, the harmonies the rain, and the individual notes the monkeys and birds.  The trees giraffe themselves up, trying to reach my heels, but I good-naturedly zip away.  The clear blue ocean stretches away from me, diamonded by the sunlight shining down.  Mountains are also in the distance, like great bears lumped up under green blankets.  The wind laughs in my face, and I laugh back – we are two of a kind.  It’s not hard to see why this is such a popular attraction.  I could almost lose myself in the rainforest, until I zip! zip! zip! and see the platform with my family waiting for me. 

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